2018 Third Quarter Contest
Welcome to our official EsportsGear 'Third Quarter' competition for the new 'Casual Wear' section of our website!
-The #1 winner of this contest will be given access to 280$ worth of FREE gear from our website!
-The TOP 10 contestants of this competition will have their designs showcased for sale on our 'Casual Wear' portion of our website. They will also earn 5% profit revenue from each sale of their item hosted with us!
-The #1 winner of this contest will be given access to 280$ worth of FREE gear from our website!
-The TOP 10 contestants of this competition will have their designs showcased for sale on our 'Casual Wear' portion of our website. They will also earn 5% profit revenue from each sale of their item hosted with us!
The 'Design Portion' of this competition will remain open to entries from 7/21/2018 at 12AM Eastern (-5GMT) until 8/4/2018 at 12AM Eastern (-5GMT).
On 8/4/2018 at 12:01AM we will open up voting to the public HERE which will last until 8/18/18 at 12:00AM.
This contest will be geared toward getting our new website section of 'Casual Wear' started. Entering is simple!
- Visit our secured download page to download the items you will need for the contest. Take the time to read the directions on the page!
DOWNLOAD PAGE LINK - Design a unique and one of a kind design for a T-Shirt you want hosted on our 'Casual Wear' section directly available for consumer purchase. Each applicant may create UP TO THREE designs overall for voting consideration. All purchases of an artists design will earn them 5% revenue per sale with chances for increases in payout down the road.
Anyone with questions about what is and isn't copyright visit THIS LINK for an easy to follow guide on artist copyright and infringement. We will not accept any copyright infringing work and will remove any reported work that is found to be previously copyrighted by someone else! - Submit the two .PSD files you create along with the .PNG and .JPG files to ContactEsportsGear@Gmail.com by the design deadline of the competition! Please include your contact information along with any social media accounts you would like to be tagged in if you win! Make the email title "YOUR NAME | 2018 Casual Wear Design Entry" or we will not look at your entry!
Once the design portion of the competition ends, we will start a voting portion of the competition open to the public hosted HERE!
Each design will be showcased and available to vote on! The Top 5 designs, after voting, will be submitted to our 'Casual Wear' portion of our store with the #1 winner earning the top prize listed above!